How to: Understand who your ideal client is

If you've spent any time on social media lately I'm sure you would have witnessed many an influencer account grow, take off or go viral and wonder - how the heck did that happen to them and why can't it happen to me, too?

Now most of us don't go into business to be "insta famous" but getting a few extra likes, follows and loving comments when we post wouldn't go astray, am I right?

But HOW do we get those things, and why aren't you seeing growth on your business FB or IG accounts yet?

I recently ran a workshop with The Exchange Group in Narrabri where I touched on the idea of understanding who your ideal client really is and the importance of knowing this. Without having a very clear idea of who you are trying to attract to buy your products or services you might actually be creating and sharing content that isn't speaking directly to the right people, and this could be why you aren't seeing much traction with your social accounts. 

 Most of us would like to think that we know exactly who we are trying to reach when it comes to selling our products or services online, but do you REALLY know who your ideal client is? Have you done an audit on who this person is lately? If you haven't, it might be time to revisit this!

This doesn't have to be a boring or arduous task, it could be as simple as taking five minutes right now to jot down some notes to help you get an idea on who you really want to be targeting with your social content. Let me help you with these quick prompts below...

  1. Get super specific: Age, gender, location
    Understand your audience's demographic; are they mainly male or female? Do they have children? Are they city-based or regional people? What age bracket do they fall in?

  2. Likes/Dislikes - values & beliefs
    Your ideal client will often have similar values/beliefs that align with your business (hence why they want to buy from you!) List these things to remind yourself.

  3. Brands they already buy from
    Understanding your client's current buying behaviours can help you work out who your competitors are or give you ideas of where your clients are likely to be spending their time. A valuable insight.

When you answer these questions, think back to when you started your business or when you first started your social media accounts. Has your audience changed in this time? Perhaps your business has changed and you haven't thought to tweak your social messaging or selling strategy to reflect this? 

Keep these notes in the front of your mind every time you craft some content to share on social media. If you area creating content with your ideal client at the forefront of your mind I know you'll start to see some traction because you'll be creating content that meets them where they are at. Remember, nothing happens overnight - this can take some time but getting to know your target audience super well is the best place to start.


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